two roads

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:: Friday, June 10, 2011 :: It's about being asked

It's pretty hypocritical. Well, that's not quite the right word...

I definitely did not want the position (too much discipline and not so much academics) but it is about being asked. Only thought on it briefly until went to dinner and lunch with two co-worker friends. Made me wonder where the decision came from.

Feel like nowadays, I have to ask rather than be asked. The result is the same, I'm sure, but it's about being asked. Makes you feel more wanted. More included.

Also brought me back to when wasn't asked to the co-worker's December wedding, to the campus table at KinderAwards, to co-worker's birthday party, etc.

Sure, I know that the tables turn in other scenarios and I am invited to some things that others are not. It's about perception and the minority screw the perception.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.10:37 AM :: (0) comments ::

98.6% passing, 52.4% commended. Highest for both numbers in 6th math in school history (this is the school's fourth year). Next, to tackle the district record.

Last day of class for students was a week ago Thursday. Was followed by happy hour for teachers. Last day for teachers Friday. School Welcome-BBQ Saturday. Registration Tuesday. Have gotten a few things done that I wanted to (end-of-year slideshow on YouTube, 6th math website on GoogleSite) but not some things I need to (learning LegoLabs and prepping robotics year 1 and 2).

Even though there's basically been something everyday, still been pretty bored since school got out. Nothing to fill large part of the day. And as usual, in these cases, when given so much time to think, it gets kind of depressing.

Invited early afternoon yesterday to evening BBQ. Ended up I was only one who went. Not sure what to make of that, if any. Talked for about an hour before started to cook and grill some steak, veggies, potatoes with the three guys who live in connecting apartment. Then on to trivia. Was a good evening.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.10:21 AM :: (0) comments ::

:: Sunday, April 24, 2011 :: Intentionally no title
I can't post this on facebook because it would be unwise given how non-private that medium is.

Just for the first time, feeling less than awesome about something and this time it is for a different reason than usual. I am ... sad?...nervous?...frustrated?... by something which in the past is what kept my emotions from falling into total abyss.

Intentionally cryptic for the same reason I previously wrote this. Would be unwise to post anywhere where someone would be actually reading.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.11:43 PM :: (0) comments ::

:: Wednesday, January 5, 2011 :: Atlanta
Family vacation to Atlanta over Holiday break. Minus Emmy who couldn't make it.

Dec 26 - Left Houston. Drove and drove. Stopped in Mobile. Went to Bellingrath Gardens. Arrived at night so no flowers but had light decorations like Moody Gardens does. Overnight in Mobile.

Dec 27 - Drove to Atlanta, arriving afternoon. Atlanta History Museum was ok but not really worth it. Museum part was only ok and outside tours already fully booked, plus too cold. Then to Oakland Cemetary and saw grave of Margaret Mitchell (author of Gone with the Wind) and of many Confederate soldiers. We looked for the area of separate Union soldiers but couldn't find it, and darkness was approaching, plus the already-mentioned cold.

Dec 28 - Mostly in downtown area. CNN Inside the Studio tour. About 55min, good tour, good tour guide. Then to nearby Underground Atlanta, shopping area with some history and was smaller than expected. Then back to walk through Centennial Park which was ok but nothing amazing and then to World of Coca-Cola. Huge line. Lots to see inside. At end, get to have as much international flavors as want and get to leave with a bottle of Coke labeled as being bottled at World of Coke. Still, was nothing compared to M&M headquarters we saw as kids.

Dec 29 - To Stone Mountain and hiked to the top, then back down, a couple of barely-considered walks around the park, and seeing a few more points of interest before leaving. Then drove to and walked around Decatur which was ok.

Dec 30 - MLK Historic Site in morning, including a Birth Home tour which was pretty interesting and well presented. Then to Grant Park which was cold and deserted and just kind of depressing. Then stopped by Jimmy Carter Library and Museum but didn't want to pay so walked around the little bit of free area then left. On way home, stopped by the obligatory Dairy Queens as we do on every vacation taken in the car. Arrived home very, very late.

Overall rating: 3.5 / 5. Not sure what I expected so can't really say better/worse than thought it'd be. Well, except for World of Coke. Totally expected that to be better. Thinking back, best parts were probably CNN Tour, MLK Birth Home, and Stone Mountain walking. Rest was ho-hum.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.3:55 PM :: (0) comments ::

:: Monday, December 20, 2010 :: A Walk
Just walked back from the dentist. (Have been looking for a good dentist since have not liked the two my mom sent me two. Loved my pediatric dentist but too old to go to him now. Asked around at school and got some funny recommendations.) Anyway, according to GoogleMaps, from dentist's office to home, via Austin Parkway, is 3.8 miles and should take 1 hour 14 min. I started walking at 4:14pm and got home at 5:24pm. Gorgeous day for a walk. Just wish I didn't have my purse or a jacket. Still, the walk was worth it even if impromptu.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.5:37 PM :: (0) comments ::

:: Thursday, December 16, 2010 :: Twin Vibe? and Catch-up
Was telling J a math trick my team-teacher taught me today (after which I was immediately curious about the "why does it work" and so promptly figured out the algebraic proof behind it and was met with disbelief and slight judgment from both team teachers). The trick involves how to find the product of two numbers by using their distance from 100. Anyway, first we started with abstract and I told J to pick two numbers between 90 and 100. Then I figured that we needed actual numbers to properly explain the example and said to pretend we were working with 95 and 96. Turns out, those are the exact same numbers she picked. She of course immediately went to reasoning behind it and saying that a person who wants two numbers that are easy to remember will of course pick 95 and then 96 is right there. Does make sense.

Now some catch-up thoughts that I never got around to posting:
- Nov 28 went to friend's birthday pedal party. Was fun but felt like by end of night, I was coming off as not having fun. I think I hadn't had enough to drink compared to the rest and so I was having to pretend to be how I was when I have had a few rather than my normal self. Hard being someone am not. Still have fun but feels fake.
- Staff holiday dinner was great. Almost everyone showed up.
- Boss's party at his place was also fun. Didn't go last year because didn't have tacky sweater but decided to go this time.
- This week is Gulfton Grinches - Secret Santa and I love my Secret Santa. Think it is one of the fabulous SPED ladies.
- Holiday theme attire for teachers this week. Holiday socks Monday, Green Tuesday, Tacky sweater Wednesday, Red Thursday, Ultimate holiday wear Friday. Wore long Snowman socks Monday and rolled up Khakis. Wore green Luigi shirt Tuesday but was cold so wore blue jacket most of day. Kind of a bust. No tacky sweater so just wore gray shirt with snowflakes instead. Went all out and wore the sweater and sweatpants that use for Wu2 (Thing1 and Thing 2 with J at Rice Halloween Hoops and last year for character day) just without the blue wig and giant white circle. Already made my costume for tomorrow. Hope it is one of the most all-out of the staff. Have been more excited about this costume Friday than am about it being last day of classes...

That is all.

:: posted by diana.6:26 PM :: (0) comments ::

:: Sunday, November 7, 2010 :: Left Out
Lunch: With Dad to Sugar Land version of Chinatown. Ran into someone from high school. Saw him walk by but almost missed because my back was to door. When about to leave, I go over to say hi. Weird conversation. Short. Very short questions and answers. Ended with him saying will catch up online. It won't happen.

Later: Exploring Facebook. While I don't post there often, I do look at it sometimes. Saw that coworker had put up some pictures of her bday weekend. We aren't friends - more like acquaintances. She had a group at St. Arnolds. Lots of other (but not all) coworker friends there. Guy who invited me to St. Arnolds and girl he flirts with often were in the pictures. See my previous birthday weekend post about feeling left out with wedding and dinner. Know that I should not feel left out here because it is her birthday and she can invite who she wants. It is not as though I would invite everyone I knew either. Just, I notice it.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.7:52 PM :: (0) comments ::

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two roads diverged in a wood, and i--
i took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.