two roads

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:: Thursday, December 16, 2010 :: Twin Vibe? and Catch-up

Was telling J a math trick my team-teacher taught me today (after which I was immediately curious about the "why does it work" and so promptly figured out the algebraic proof behind it and was met with disbelief and slight judgment from both team teachers). The trick involves how to find the product of two numbers by using their distance from 100. Anyway, first we started with abstract and I told J to pick two numbers between 90 and 100. Then I figured that we needed actual numbers to properly explain the example and said to pretend we were working with 95 and 96. Turns out, those are the exact same numbers she picked. She of course immediately went to reasoning behind it and saying that a person who wants two numbers that are easy to remember will of course pick 95 and then 96 is right there. Does make sense.

Now some catch-up thoughts that I never got around to posting:
- Nov 28 went to friend's birthday pedal party. Was fun but felt like by end of night, I was coming off as not having fun. I think I hadn't had enough to drink compared to the rest and so I was having to pretend to be how I was when I have had a few rather than my normal self. Hard being someone am not. Still have fun but feels fake.
- Staff holiday dinner was great. Almost everyone showed up.
- Boss's party at his place was also fun. Didn't go last year because didn't have tacky sweater but decided to go this time.
- This week is Gulfton Grinches - Secret Santa and I love my Secret Santa. Think it is one of the fabulous SPED ladies.
- Holiday theme attire for teachers this week. Holiday socks Monday, Green Tuesday, Tacky sweater Wednesday, Red Thursday, Ultimate holiday wear Friday. Wore long Snowman socks Monday and rolled up Khakis. Wore green Luigi shirt Tuesday but was cold so wore blue jacket most of day. Kind of a bust. No tacky sweater so just wore gray shirt with snowflakes instead. Went all out and wore the sweater and sweatpants that use for Wu2 (Thing1 and Thing 2 with J at Rice Halloween Hoops and last year for character day) just without the blue wig and giant white circle. Already made my costume for tomorrow. Hope it is one of the most all-out of the staff. Have been more excited about this costume Friday than am about it being last day of classes...

That is all.

:: posted by diana.6:26 PM :: ::

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two roads diverged in a wood, and i--
i took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.