two roads

:: welcome to two roads :: two roads ::
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:: Sunday, November 7, 2010 :: Left Out

Lunch: With Dad to Sugar Land version of Chinatown. Ran into someone from high school. Saw him walk by but almost missed because my back was to door. When about to leave, I go over to say hi. Weird conversation. Short. Very short questions and answers. Ended with him saying will catch up online. It won't happen.

Later: Exploring Facebook. While I don't post there often, I do look at it sometimes. Saw that coworker had put up some pictures of her bday weekend. We aren't friends - more like acquaintances. She had a group at St. Arnolds. Lots of other (but not all) coworker friends there. Guy who invited me to St. Arnolds and girl he flirts with often were in the pictures. See my previous birthday weekend post about feeling left out with wedding and dinner. Know that I should not feel left out here because it is her birthday and she can invite who she wants. It is not as though I would invite everyone I knew either. Just, I notice it.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.7:52 PM :: ::

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two roads diverged in a wood, and i--
i took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.