two roads

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:: Friday, June 10, 2011 :: It's about being asked

It's pretty hypocritical. Well, that's not quite the right word...

I definitely did not want the position (too much discipline and not so much academics) but it is about being asked. Only thought on it briefly until went to dinner and lunch with two co-worker friends. Made me wonder where the decision came from.

Feel like nowadays, I have to ask rather than be asked. The result is the same, I'm sure, but it's about being asked. Makes you feel more wanted. More included.

Also brought me back to when wasn't asked to the co-worker's December wedding, to the campus table at KinderAwards, to co-worker's birthday party, etc.

Sure, I know that the tables turn in other scenarios and I am invited to some things that others are not. It's about perception and the minority screw the perception.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.10:37 AM :: (0) comments ::

98.6% passing, 52.4% commended. Highest for both numbers in 6th math in school history (this is the school's fourth year). Next, to tackle the district record.

Last day of class for students was a week ago Thursday. Was followed by happy hour for teachers. Last day for teachers Friday. School Welcome-BBQ Saturday. Registration Tuesday. Have gotten a few things done that I wanted to (end-of-year slideshow on YouTube, 6th math website on GoogleSite) but not some things I need to (learning LegoLabs and prepping robotics year 1 and 2).

Even though there's basically been something everyday, still been pretty bored since school got out. Nothing to fill large part of the day. And as usual, in these cases, when given so much time to think, it gets kind of depressing.

Invited early afternoon yesterday to evening BBQ. Ended up I was only one who went. Not sure what to make of that, if any. Talked for about an hour before started to cook and grill some steak, veggies, potatoes with the three guys who live in connecting apartment. Then on to trivia. Was a good evening.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.10:21 AM :: (0) comments ::

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two roads diverged in a wood, and i--
i took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.