two roads

:: welcome to two roads :: two roads ::
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:: Wednesday, January 5, 2011 :: Atlanta

Family vacation to Atlanta over Holiday break. Minus Emmy who couldn't make it.

Dec 26 - Left Houston. Drove and drove. Stopped in Mobile. Went to Bellingrath Gardens. Arrived at night so no flowers but had light decorations like Moody Gardens does. Overnight in Mobile.

Dec 27 - Drove to Atlanta, arriving afternoon. Atlanta History Museum was ok but not really worth it. Museum part was only ok and outside tours already fully booked, plus too cold. Then to Oakland Cemetary and saw grave of Margaret Mitchell (author of Gone with the Wind) and of many Confederate soldiers. We looked for the area of separate Union soldiers but couldn't find it, and darkness was approaching, plus the already-mentioned cold.

Dec 28 - Mostly in downtown area. CNN Inside the Studio tour. About 55min, good tour, good tour guide. Then to nearby Underground Atlanta, shopping area with some history and was smaller than expected. Then back to walk through Centennial Park which was ok but nothing amazing and then to World of Coca-Cola. Huge line. Lots to see inside. At end, get to have as much international flavors as want and get to leave with a bottle of Coke labeled as being bottled at World of Coke. Still, was nothing compared to M&M headquarters we saw as kids.

Dec 29 - To Stone Mountain and hiked to the top, then back down, a couple of barely-considered walks around the park, and seeing a few more points of interest before leaving. Then drove to and walked around Decatur which was ok.

Dec 30 - MLK Historic Site in morning, including a Birth Home tour which was pretty interesting and well presented. Then to Grant Park which was cold and deserted and just kind of depressing. Then stopped by Jimmy Carter Library and Museum but didn't want to pay so walked around the little bit of free area then left. On way home, stopped by the obligatory Dairy Queens as we do on every vacation taken in the car. Arrived home very, very late.

Overall rating: 3.5 / 5. Not sure what I expected so can't really say better/worse than thought it'd be. Well, except for World of Coke. Totally expected that to be better. Thinking back, best parts were probably CNN Tour, MLK Birth Home, and Stone Mountain walking. Rest was ho-hum.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.3:55 PM :: (0) comments ::

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two roads diverged in a wood, and i--
i took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.