two roads

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:: Monday, October 25, 2010 :: Birthday Weekend Come and Gone

Fri: Announced at morning meeting to all of sixth grade. All sixth grade teachers' and students' birthdays announced around their special day. Another sixth grade teacher's birthday is Sunday. Got a few birthday wishes during the day but not many. Later found out that a few 7th graders (taught last year) gave the other teacher cards and over the weekend, birthday phone calls.

Sat: Met up with said teacher for 1p Saint Arnolds tour but turns out tour moved to 11a so too late. Got a birthday wish. Awkward as not sure to stay and hang out or to go. I suggest food as per original plan. He says to invite a coworker fried who lives close. Text her but no go. End up going to Nikos Nikos, getting stuffed. Then to Academy to buy discs for disc golf. On way, find out he is invited to another coworker and previous coworker's upcoming December wedding. He not go because is Xmas Eve in Florida. Reminded me of in September, when I found out the coworker girl was invited. I am not close to the wedding guy or girl, in fact actually used to dislike the guy quite a bit, so wasn't expecting to be invited. Also reminded me of senior year college when there were three mob weddings and wasn't invited to any. After buy discs, then with his neighbor to play disc golf, per his suggestion. Gorgeous day, view of skyline. I sucked at disc golf. Then I back home to shower for dinner with parents. Later that night, decide so full so push birthday meal with family to Sunday lunch. Then text same people and say free evening. Meet up at Hefley's with the girl from before, another coworker, and later the guy. Ends up the guy and girl flirt lots. Girl invites guy to dinner Sunday for his birthday. He says sure. Few hours later, I feeling left out, getting annoyed, left. Crappy end to the night.

Sun: Birthday lunch with parents. Steak. Reminded me of last year.

In retrospect, not a bad birthday weekend just a bit bummed. First off, the feeling of being excluded. People aren't intending to, but I notice. Not saying pity self as I have lots to be thankful for, but can still hate feeling of being excluded. Once, I was in a discussion where we defined "crush." I said it was someone who when you see them, your day just gets a little bit better. I have liked this guy for a while even though I know nothing can happen. I have also been annoyed that he and the girl flirt (she has a boyfriend, he once said that he didn't like how she flirts with him and I wanted to explore but there were others around). After the weekend, we really have nothing in common. Hard to find something to talk about except work and the students. He likes sports and outside. I am more a stay inside and nerd gal. Anyway, still bummed. I noticed how when we were going to lunch, he suggested to invite her, but when she invites him to dinner, I do not get invited. (Find out Monday that they ended up not going anyway.) Intentional or not, it hurts. I notice things. I read into things. Whatever. It hurts.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.12:04 AM :: (0) comments ::

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two roads diverged in a wood, and i--
i took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.