two roads

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:: Friday, July 2, 2010 :: A Reboot

For the third time, I am rebooting my blog from basically scratch. Old posts have been archived to an extent. I always liked this template, so that's one of the things that's staying.

I doubt many people read this anymore or have it linked via their own blogs.

The reboot stems from multiple reasons. I actually haven't posted in years, probably since around 2006. Well, that isn't true. Actually, since then, I have kept a few side blogs during my time in Australia and China, but I have not posted anything about my general life in the US since 2006.

Herein comes the point where you say that I am ranting. My rants are typical. I blog for myself.

And for myself, I remind myself of the dream from which I just awoke. On a subject matter that I have not dreamt about for some while. I am always curious as to why your brain decides to dream what it does. I have had lucid dreams for a while - that is, I may not always remember my dreams, but if I am having a dream, I am aware of it and am able to choose my own behavior during the dream. I was not expecting this particular subject, and at its conclusion, I wasn't particularly sad, but I am curious why if my brain decided to dream this, then why did it not also decide to rewrite reality and give me a happier ending...

After said dream, I launched AIM Express. I don't think I've used AIM, either downloaded or express mode, since I first got to China, realized the computer my school had provided was riddled with viruses and had no capacity to go beyond simple tasks, got little help from school's IT (though they were friendly), and so just never got on then or since.

I was actually quite surprised how many people still use AIM / were online.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.9:09 PM :: ::

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two roads diverged in a wood, and i--
i took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.