two roads

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:: Monday, July 12, 2010 :: Ice Cream and A Sunset

I have, in general, not been as happy at this summer site as I was at my 2006 and 2007 site. For more on that, see my July 10 post entitled "A Taste of Convection." Part of this, I am sure, is due to the heat here, also mentioned in said previous post, which I feel probably made me more irritable. I am almost certain I was dehydrated at one point or another, especially since for a few days and nights, I had shooting pains in my outer left thigh muscle. They have since gone away.

Anyway, the heat has since dissipated, at least temporarily, and tonight, after hanging out with the awesome Office Manager in the office (con air conditioning) for a while, I headed outside to the green and while watching a group of students play kickball to my left and a group of instructional staff play soccer to my right, a car pulled up and two instructors invited me to join them for ice cream.

The windows were open, the temperature nice, and the breeze blissful. It was a nice evening.

This is the sunset as seen from the back of Flayvors Farm in Western Massachusetts. Flayvors Farms make ice cream fresh on site. Those cows you see in the picture - they live behind the shop - and yep, they supplied the milk.

That is all.

:: posted by diana.10:07 PM :: ::

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two roads diverged in a wood, and i--
i took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.